
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hi, My name is _____....and I blog

I have purposely not posted anything for a few days as I was becoming concerned at how much time this whole blogging thing is taking up! Let's just say there are things around the house that really need to be addressed and I find myself blogging instead of addressing them.

Which has made me analyze some as to why people blog or read blogs.
I know for me it has been a way to get my feelings and thots out and be heard. It has also been a way of "connecting" with a a sort of "sterile" way but still a connection is it not?

So, I want to keep that connection but keep the balance of a clean house, physical exercise, Bible study and prayer, ministry, and time for face to face, or at least voice to voice interaction.
I have devised a little test to determine if blogging is enhancing or consuming our lives:

1. The first thing I do when I arrive home is check the puter for comments on my blog
or check in on my favorite blogs to see if they have any new posts.

2. I blog or read other blogs late at night when I should be sleeping

3. I blog or read other blogs instead of preparing meals or doing basic cleaning

4. The subject that I blog tends to come up in most casual or even some business conversations.

5. I substitute writing or reading blogs for real human interaction most of the time.

6. I spend more time writing or reading blogs than I do in devotions each week.

7. I become frustrated when other blogs I know have more comments than mine.

I would say if we can say yes to TWO or more of these statements that we might want to re evaluate time given to blogging.

Do you disagree; do you think there are other questions we could add to the list?
What do you neglect so you can blog? At what point would it be defined as an "addiction"?


The Good Eater said...

Another question for the list:
7. I blog or read blogs when I'm getting paid to do something else.

What do I neglect so that I can blog? Nothing of importance - yet I still feel guilty about it. Maybe I better go back and read those warning signs (just kidding).

Blogging is a great creative outlet and don't you just love the anticipation of stumbling accross a really good blog?

Lin said...

Yes, I love the connections, vicarious adventures, not to mention inspiration!
Thanks for question no. 8...definately should be on the list.

Anonymous said...

Blogging does take up a lot of time. Some people make it really worthwhile, but I find I write whatever I happen to think of or come across.
My first aim is honor my Lord Jesus as I write, and then to let family and friends know what I am doing.
Also when your legs and your eyes aren't working the best, it really is a blessing to have it.
Also I enjoy reading other blogs and have found there are a lot of wonderful Christians across this world. And I have learned a lot. You would think at my age I would have ceased to care re learning but no, not me.
Betty G

Anonymous said...

We need people with your life experience level in "blog land"
I pray I will still be learning at your stage of exciting!

Anonymous said...

#9 members of your household infringe on your blogging time, not the other way around :)

i must say, i love the anticipation of reading someones thoughts or their reactions to my thoughts. it's an interesting thing because as you wait for some response you feel quite vulnerable - "did they *get* it? was i understood, does it stir up thought?" or "was it too boring/common/badly written?" until you feel a bit paranoid :) gioia

Lin said...

I know..vulnerable is a good word because you are really "out there" but most good things require some risk. Transparency is not without risk but I have found the rewards greater, esp. the connection with other people.
I get a very disturbing "naked" feeling after public speaking, but I have learned to expect it and not make too much of it. Lin

Anonymous said...

Well every good list needs a #10. How about: You are so engrossed with a blog your children have to say "MOM" about 20 times before you realize it".

I blog just to keep in touch with friends and family and really enjoy reading theirs! I rarely do anything deep because I'm not good at sounding anything but corny when I do and I tend to be passionate about controversial things so I always manage to insult someone! I don't sit down to do a blog unless it's already in my head so it goes quickly...I do my best composing while ironing I think! I will admit to guilty feelings that I'm not "spiritual" enough on my blog...not my ministry I's that for an old cliche'? A blog that makes someone smile is what I generally go for...everyone can use a smile along the way can't they?

Cheryl said...

Guilty! I'm guilty! Great list....I have to say it's true.

I cannot see it being true for you as you do not blog as much as I do.

I just enjoy helping much of my blog is for that, as well as I just have a lot of thoughts in my head that come naturally to me and I type it takes me no time at all to get up a blog post.

Cheryl said...

I forgot to mention that I also see my blog as a ministry...I've had quite a few people write me saying my ramblings about faith have helped them.

ROD said...
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Lin said...

You all have unique blogs, just like their creators.
I am glad they are all different.
Nice to know we all have gifts that others need...and we are doing something that brings fulfillment to us.