
Monday, July 12, 2010

Kick the Tupperware?

My friend Bonnie H asks if kids play games like “Kick the Can” anymore in the summer.

We played Hide n Seek, Red Rover, Mother May I, Red Light Green Light and a game called "Annie Annie Over” with a ball, throwing it over the house to the team on the other side hoping they didn't catch it and come after us.
I also had a great "mud kitchen" in a corner of the wood stacks where I made a delicious assortment of foods and desserts out of mud and aluminum child size pans.

Seems the older kids taught us and refereed in those days; who teaches the next generation of kids today? Maybe it is time to reintroduce some of those games we played for hours.
It is a wonder there was any grass left around that little white house I grew up in with so many of us yelling and screaming around and around..I try to remember that now when my neighbor kids are yelling for hours at a time....I finally went upstairs and watched them play for a while...good for cranky old neighbor ladies to remember summer fun :)
What games did you play?

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