
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Little "Distractions"?

Democratic Senator Al Franklin of Minnesota will be one of the newer senators interviewing nominee Elena Kagen for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. He was quoted earlier to have said;

" The time has come for progressives to recognize that Roe v Wade has distracted attention from what is now the heart of the judicial controversy; the ability of individuals to assert their rights against corporations" (emphasis mine)

Are the lives of thousands of our most innocent and vulnerable citizens now "distractions", distractions that no longer have a place in the heart of judicial controversy?

I suggest that our congress and courts need to get their own hearts and priorities right and once and for all address the most compelling and obvious issue of our time; the right to life itself.

Here is a link from the picture above for those who have "ears to hear and eyes to see"

What will men and women who have held these posts say someday when they stand before a God who champions the rights of the weak and oppressed and give account of how they used these positions of power and influence? If they aren't shuddering now they will be trembling then.

Oh God, visit America with your compelling conviction before you have to visit us with crushing judgement! Open our eyes to this horrific carnage and our ears to their tortured cries!

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