
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Micah W and Janet Huckabee meet, plus primary blues

Ok, I know I already sent this out on email but for those of you who don't get my emails I wanted to show you a picture of Janet Huckabee holding my grandson Micah .

My son J.R. and his wife Jen decided to go to the Huckabee ralley in Seattle last weekend and had to sit on the floor in the front. Evidently Janet Huckabee noticed Micah and picked him up..I had to show you the evidence :) Sorry it is only his back but Fox news probably has the good pic somewhere in their files of pics they didn't publish :(

On the bigger pic below you can see MY baby's face, Micah's dad, J.R. ,right over the top of Janet Huckabee's hand. Mama Jen didn't get in the picture, not fair!

Interesting note on the campaign that Dr. James Dobson has endorsed Huckabee and has some concerns about McCain. I quote:

"Dobson criticized McCain for his support of embryonic stem cell research, his opposition to a federal anti-gay marriage amendment and for his temper and use of foul language. He said he'd sit out the presidential election if McCain were the nominee."

I was surprised at how strong he felt esp. with the next supreme court nominations in the balance, I am not sure I could take that hard of a line.

I am also interested in talk about having a "national primary" in the future so we ALL get equal chance at choosing the candidates....those of us on the west coast really don't get much say until the east coast has narrowed it down for us....doesn't seem fair. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I agree...I've been sitting it out here wringing my hands wishing we could take part. I think Dobson is a little over the top on this one..or put another way: The only two reasons I will vote for John McCain are: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. I'm furious that this may be the choice the Republican party gives us. But you know me..I rarely have an opinion!
Glad to see Baby Willett is getting an early start in politics!

Unknown said...

Pictures to cherish for memories.

We will vote for Huckabee tomorrow but when he eventually leaves the race to McCain, we will vote for McCain.
Anybody to keep the Democrats out of the White House!!
Betty G