
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

That which we call a rose...

That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet." (from Romeo and Juliet)

Do you ever ponder your name? Seems like every school girl at some time thinks of a name she would like to be called in her daydream fantasies.

I remember hating the name Vicky simply because two of the meanest and most obnoxious girls in my life for a few years were both named Vicky. At that time in my life that name was synonymous with unrelenting evil. (Since then, I have met some wonderful Vickies!)

One of the Asian students in the ESL class I have been teaching this year told me her name means "virgin" in Vietnamese. In her attempt to convey this concept to me with her limited English, I witnessed what some might say was a graphic sign language answer to my inquiry. I have learned to keep an open mind in these situations but sometimes I must suppress a blush.

My alter ego is named Lily. She lives in a Victorian era, has poofy, pinned up hair, high buttoned shoes, a parasol, and white bustled dress . She wears cotton gloves in public, carries a lace hankie, and is careful not to damage her porcelain skin with too much direct sun, but gets "down and dirty" when it comes to social justice and humanitarian causes.

If you could have named yourself would you have chosen a different name and why?
Do you have an alter ego?


Erin said...

No alter egos here. When I was a kid, I wanted to be named Amy or Lisa (maybe because I thought they were more feminine names). Since then I have learned to like my name for its meaning!

Forecast Monkey said...

People always ask me what my initials stand for. So for all you that were wondering, "J.R." stands for "Jolly Roger".

Anonymous said...

just call me jo-anna

Anonymous said...

Jo Anna we miss you!!!

Jolly Roger???

Anonymous said...

I used to love the name Diana because I wanted to be a princess like Princess Diana. After that stage passed, however, I really liked the name Katherine, and I still do.