
Monday, November 3, 2008

Do you vote we fast?

I heard that there has been some organized fasting and prayer for the election.
I have been praying but not fasting.
Do you think christians should be fasting?
Why do you think Christians are fasting for this election? If the more conservative candidate were ahead would we fast?
Would we need to fast if most christians voted in the first place? Maybe we should be registering people to vote and reminding them?
Are we putting too much of our trust in those elected vs God?
When the elected president puts his hand on the Bible does he become an instrument of God even against his/her will? (I hope so)
I respect those giving themselves to fasting but had some thots. Please comment


Unknown said...

I've had an urge to find a church and lay on my face and plead for my country. I'm glad people are fasting..Perhaps it comes down to good vs. seems to me that fasting is well as repentance....

Anonymous said...

I am not sure about weather we should fast or not, but if you feel God's direction to fast whatever the occision you should obey. However in regards to the election maybe we should quite sitting on our backside and be more involved and then we wouldn't have been making the choice this election we would have a different choice altogether. When are we the American chirstian going to realize that our freedoms that we cherish are slowly slipping away and we don't even realize it.

Anonymous said...

I think the Bible says to obey your leaders. This is of course talking about political leaders but also our christian leaders. And when our leader urges us to fast, of course we ought do it. Our obligation is first to God. How can fasting ever be a bad idea? And getting people registered is the answer. Some people simply shouldn't vote. Some people don't understand politics. Some people don't even know why they voted for who they voted for other than what the liberal media tells us. Of course we should fast! It is of course what Jesus would do.