
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

graduation to murder mystery dinners

We spent last weekend in Seattle to celebrate our family's third and FINAL college graduation from Seattle Pacific U. We watched daughter Bethany file in with all the other college grads under leaden NW skies while we watched from the stands of Quest outdoor stadium, wrapped in our raincoats and scarves....probably the coldest June in the history of the Pacific NW.

The rain did hold off however. I am always amazed at how hardy Portlanders and Seattlites are, wrapped in their Eddie Bauer water proof coats and shoes, noshing on trail mix and starbucks coffee. They have a good time wherever they go and live in houses so cold in the winter that one wonders why they even bother to come inside! Rod and I believe a hot fire in the fireplace , coffee or tea, and a good book is the way to cope.

The bittersweet goodbyes to Bethany's college friends and their families is always hard..I know we will never see as much of them now as we have been used to as they go their separate ways.

Bethany drove herself home since we were heading over to Eastern Washington to visit with my brother Bud and his wife Millie. She was hurrying home to help friends launch their new business: Four exceptional college kids putting on a mulitcourse gourmet meal while you and your guests act out a murder mystery. Never will you have better food or a better time. About the time people find out about them they will realize how much work this kind of business is or maybe it will become a successful franchise...yet another way to survive living in this cold and wet part of the U.S!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to you guys for successfully raising 3 great kids! i want to be a parent just like you.

Lin said...

You are so kind! I think you and your brother turned out pretty well too...guess we are kinda proud of you guys :) Beth and I were just talking about you yesterday, hope your wedding plans are coming together...we are excited! Lin

Unknown said...

Hey Lin! I missed you guys when I was back in town and at church on Sunday! And yes, from a couple blogs ago, I read your blog (just not as often as I'd like).

I'm in Alaska this week, but then I should be in Portland for a few straight weeks! Crazy, I know. ;)

Hope you guys are well.

Anonymous said...

my seems like yesterday.......