
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Half a kid?

It's time. I must introduce Pekah our dog, formally known as "Pekah Boo". She is the biggest Boston Terrior you will ever see, weighing in at 39 lbs vs the 18 most females weigh.
After 11 years of a house full of family and no dog, we gave in and got her...probably a desperate effort to soften the blow of the quickly emptying nest I was experiencing 6 years ago. Was it a rational decision? Even then I would have told you it wasn't.
My standard advice to people thinking of getting a dog is that they are "half a kid" in terms of the commitment and even to the cost of having one around. No one in their right mind would go out and pay good money for "half a kid" right when their parenting days were about to lighten.
Rod was in his "right" mind....I just wanted a dog and it did not take our high schooler Bethany long to jump right on my side of the bandwagon. Rod knew he was done for. Looking back, since Pekah sleeps on the floor on his side of the bed, he takes her out at night, cleans up the yard, and has walked her more than any of us, he should have had the final say. He just pitied his poor wife, losing her own babies with no grand babies to fill these arms and this heart. Who could live with that kind of misery?
Still, the dog is alone a lot during the day and when I am here she sleeps as she is now. How much happier she would be if kids were bursting in and out of the doors the way it used to be...every dog needs that companionship...God help the ones who are locked up all day by owners who think the dog's desperate joy at seeing them at the end of the day somehow justifies leaving them alone without companionship for half their life. If that includes being crated up then I think it is time to call in the humane society! People who do that to their animal should be forced to sit and watch their dog try to cope with that kind of abuse hour after hour with no mental or physical stimulation!
Every part of our lives now has to take in account the dog, evenings, weekends, and esp vacations. To take care of a dog humanely is a big commitment and involves money. My 87 year old mother just moved into assisted living and one of her biggest concerns is the dog she had to find a temporary home for...that issue is still a heart break...which begs the question of when and why should someone get a dog. Is there a right time to have one and a wrong time?
In the meantime, we love our Pekah. She is the only dog I have ever been around that "smiles" when she is really happy. She is also very smart and doesn't bark unless it is important. This picture is of her with her ears back which probably means she was a little annoyed, or maybe just very bored? If you were here however, she would smile for you and do amazing tricks like "die" on command and pop up those beautiful ears. Her eyes would brighten with the excitement of meeting you because everyone who enters our door is here to see and love her in her mind...and she will love you unconditionally from the start. Yes, that is what a wonderful dog will bring into your life, I just hope we give them the kind of home and companionship a creature like that deserves.. it is the least we can do.

(If you want to see Rod's humorous side of this issue go to: and read Rod's funny account of "Match Man", see link on the right)


Anonymous said...

I would like to clarify that while some dogs are neglected, Pekah is certainly not one of those dogs. She spends her days eating human-food leftovers, hanging out at the office, taking car rides or running around the house. In short, she rules the roost- evidenced by the care that is taken to not "disturb" the princess as she sleeps at the foot of your bed. Then again, how can you resist those big, brown eyes?

Cheryl said...

What an adorable name! So original and makes everyone smile.