
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Left to Tell"

I cannot abide violence in movies, books, and esp real life.

Our family witnessed a serious, broadside accident years ago.
I was amazed at how I reacted. I have always had a pretty "cool" head in emergencies but I froze. Rod said call 911 and ran ahead...I couldn't get a call through the first time because my hands were shaking so hard.

No one was killed or seriously hurt but with one car upside down in a ditch they were lucky. I did stay with the young mom and her baby in the ditch while we waited for help.

So, when my sister in law, Nancy wanted me to read the book, "Left to Tell" by Immaculee Ilibagiza about her survival of the Rwandan holocaust I knew it wasn't the kind of book I could handle. At her urging I did look at it one night though and then could not put it down.
The violence was overshadowed by God's might and power in this young woman's life and those she hid with. It turned a gruesome story into one of victory and hope. I actually felt more hopeful after reading it than I did before.
I am at a loss to understand why these things happen under God's knowledge and mercy but history is rife with stories like this and all seem to repeat the same themes:
prejudice, generational revenge, unworldly hate, unbridled violence against even the most innocent, and lack of remorse.

Since these scenarios have and will continue to repeat themselves over and over it is important we come to grips with the patterns of behavior in this world we live in and the depths that human beings will sink to. Yet, God's light, mercy, and love shine the brightest when seen against the darkest back drops of humanity. In Him there will always be hope for the nations.

"These are the things you shall do: Zechariah 8:16-17
Speak each man the truth to his neighbor
Give judgement in your gates for truth, justice, and peace
Let none of you think evil in your heart against your neighbor"

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Perfect Summer Day

What is your definition of a "perfect summer day"?
My definition is a summer day that starts out sunny but cool and ends with a high of 80- 85. Just warm enough but not too hot. As long as you don't have to be out physically laboring in the hottest part of the day it is just perfect.

I wake up to the sun streaming in my bedroom and lots of neighborhood noise through the window I left open all night. I throw my covers all the way back, throw open the window all the way and let summer do its magic on my whole bedroom, leaving it fresh and crisp when I return for another balmy night's sleep that night.
I like it warm enough to enjoy iced tea and a BBQ after work but probably not hot enough to get the mosquitos going.
The evenings of such days here in the Portland area are still warm enough for a brisk walk with the dog but not humid. Walking through the neighborhoods, open doors seem to bring us all together and no one seems too worried about someone bursting into their home uninvited but then you read that it does happen even in good neighborhoods sometimes.

Still , I like the relaxed attitude of those open doors in a neighborhood where that kind of crime is usually unlikely. Why, if someone started something, half the neighborhood would respond because their doors were open too.

I don't really care about heavy weeding or planting at this point, as long as someone mows the lawn and the watering system keeps it watered one can just finally enjoy the yard. Raspberries, strawberries, and a few blueberries hang waiting for a leisure stroller to pluck them from their stems, flowers burst in color and fragrance now with so little effort. Tomato vines show evidence of soon to be enjoyed red fruit, sliced on a platter next to whatever gets BBQed that night. These are the high rewards of gardening.

Maybe it is the warmth and the longer evenings with daylight lasting as late as 9:30, but these are my favorite days of the year.